Breeding Question


Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
I am thinking about breeding over the summer... I have a problem though. I am allergic to brine shrimp. I thought it was just the frozen ones, but I got some freeze-dried ones today, and I had the same reaction, albeit less severe. So, I'm thinking it's a problem with the brine shrimp in general. I don't want to risk a culture to find out whether I'm allergic to the live ones or not. I mean, I doubt I would be, but I really don't want to risk it. So, is there something I can feed them to replace bbs until they are big enough for the microworms?

"Ok, the male is gone, happily munching on some bloodworms back in his own tank, now it's time to give the babies their first meal. Give them a small portion of microworms to start with, watch them eat because there is nothing like watching them devour their first food. They should be happy with the worms for a week or so but you really need to get your brine shrimp hatchery started ASAP. They'll need a meatier food,like bbs, after the first week. Feed them at LEAST twice a day, they're the hungriest little things you'll ever meet."

Going off the pinend thread, it looks like mircroworms are fed before bbs. I believe infusoria (paramecium or what have you) are also a first food:p As for what to feed after... can't quite help you out. :/ I was planning on using brine shrimp (frozen) with mine.

Are the allergies caused through touch? If so, why not use gloves for feeding/ water changes?
They'd probably be fine on microworms until you can start feeding grindals, but it'll be a bit messier, so you'll really have to keep on top of those water changes :)
Thanks, Fury, I got the order mixed up on microworms and brine shrimp. :blush:
And, the allergies are not through touch. The reaction happens to my eyes. They start feeling really heavy, and then they start watering, because they swell up a little, and my right eye sometimes gets ulcers on it. It did the first time, with the frozen ones. I had two on it, and they are still not completely gone. I did not get new ones with the freeze-dried ones, but the two I already had are a bit worse, and my eyes are really red and itchy this morning. :p

Thanks for the advice, Synirr and Cracker.. it's good to know that I don't have to give up breeding just because of my allergies.

Most reactions
