Breeding Question

No you will not get any crowntails.
You will get all veiltails, some with mild combing or fringe.

Cross breeding tailtypes is a real waste of time, as your spawns from this breeding to produce fish with finnage that is not 'desireable' under either true type, really.
What kind of finnage does the female VT/CT have? It really depends, and it's a big gamble. You could easily end up with all comby VT's, which IMHO is not really worth the space/time/money, and I'd think it would be easier to just buy a female CT.

How are the kids you got from me? Any spawning action? ;)
Sweet! A really cool guy from my Betta club just spawned one of my ladies with a MG HM boy, they had loads of eggs and the babies should turn out VERY pretty. ;) Good luck with em!
If the female is CT geno, yes, your numbers are correct. The only way you could possibly know this, however, is if she came from a breeder who expressly told you one of her parents was CT. Many non-CT fish have a little bit of combing, but it doesn't mean they carry the CT gene.

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