Still not specific enough. Are you going for a certain tail type? If you going for CT, I'd personally breed with some of these girls I found on aquabid.
I love those lavender ones!
I'm trying to steer away from blue though.
I was thinking maybe opaque? Just pure white..
How do you get the marble colors?
Oh and it would be a crowntail.
Well, if your going for marble with opaque, I belive you get a female like that, breed it to the male, and in F2, I belive you get marbles? Correct me if I'm wrong.
If you get a marble female you should get marbles in the F1, as butterfly patterning like in your male is related to the marble gene. I'd go with a red or lavender marble or butterfly CT female. If you want opaques start with a pair of opaques, trying to get the redwash out of an opaque line if you bred it from that male would take years.