Breeding Pygmy Cories...

Well update - the pygmys have stopped their spawning at the moment,i think the scorching weather may have something to do with that :rolleyes:

But heres some updated pics of some of the adults and juvi's in the tank. :)
The algae on the tank is getting a pain at the mo,its getting too much sun :crazy:


Profanities Harlequins, I think I've sucked up a couple of Pygmy eggs without realsing what they were!

Now I'm annoyed coz I bet there's been more than have hatched but the Platys ate the fry!

I'm gonna keep a closer eye now coz I'd love to hatch a few of my own Pygmys. It's save me buying more for a start lol!
Oh no what a shame!!

Keep an eye on the tank,if you've had eggs in there,its more than likely there will be fry around,they're so tiny and hide very well :rolleyes:
My pygmys are around an inch,females slightely bigger :) unsure about shrimp though with them,never kept them...
well I dont have shrimp in the new 96 litre tank at work yet... so I think I'll find out, but I definitely want some pygmys! Gonna go buy some play sand from argos tomorrow eeeeeeeeeeeee babies!!!
Wow you have the best of luck. :drool:

Could I get some pointers? I'm interested in breeding my habrosus. This is my first time breeding any fish so I'm such a newbie!! I have 8 in a 20g and they've spawned once before but I wasn't prepared so lost all the eggs. I keep them in cooler water, 72F (22C). When I do w/c should I put in cooler water (like 70?) or are my temps completely off the mark!! lol

I bought a little breeding net (that will go in the adult tank) as I wanted to just put the eggs in there until they hatched. I understand I need to have good water flow over the eggs, so I will put an airstone underneath the net.

Do habrosus eat their fry or should I invest in a little 10g tank? Will an HOB filter be ok or should I use a sponge filter?

And what should I feed the fry once they hatch? I've read baby brine shrimp, but would crushed up flake food be ok too?

Sorry for all the questions, I just consider you the wise-one of the cories!! :good:
Thanks :)

Your temperature is fine,has is your w/c temp...

I started feeding mine daily on defrosted bbs and mini granules along side daily cold w/c,mine started spawning in the first 24hrs :lol:

I found the bred easier once i separated them in into a 10 gals,i found the fry did get eaten,the fry are super tiny and will easily fit into the adults mouths...

Perhaps you could set a 10 gal anyway and move the adults into that,its easier to keep track of their activities,i found mine never really touched the eggs has such,but then all cories are different.
If i left any eggs in the main tank the pandas are terrors for eating all the eggs :rolleyes:

I have a hob on my fry tank with a sponge over the intake to stop any fry getting sucked up,this was the hob i used when the adults were in there.but i suppose you could use either a hob or sponge filter.

Fry can be feed on bbs/crushed mini granules &/or crushed flakes,some use firstbites/liquidfry but i found this can pollute the water quite quickly.i use tetramin baby instead :good:

Have a read of this link also Breeding corydoras excellent info on breeding & setting up tanks :good:

Good luck :good:
Thanks your post was very very helpful. :good:

I think I'm going to try it out with just them in the 20g and using a net... and if it doesn't go well I'll purchase a 10g. They've got a nice little package sale on at petsmart. I think maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to buy it. :lol:

Best of luck with the rest of your spawns... I'll be watching this thread! :good:
Excellent read and thanks for pointing me in this direction!

Can you help and tell me where abouts you found the eggs? are they similar to other cories and attach the eggs to glass etc?
My corydoras will attach eggs to anything: Glass, leaves, filter intake, heater. The only places they don't seem to like laying eggs is on the driftwood or rocks. The really successful batch of eggs that made it to maturity were laid on a pennywort, and I just took that whole plant into a net and set it under the outflow of the filter in the fry tank. I ended up with 13 fry altogether that lived (3 died for mysterious reasons) and they're still thriving. Just put them back in the adult tank.

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