Breeding Pk


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hey all
right today ive started my breeding with my PK pair
male - solid red
female - orange/black
the male and female have been able to see eachother for couple days now then today i put the male in the breeding tank i was going to wait a few hours before i put the female in the vase
the tank already has a full bubble nest very big and high one made by my VT
which the PK has been checking out and seems happy with
il keep up dates for you
if anyone feels like leaving some tips feel free to do so
this will be my second breeding before i bred a solid red male VT with a solid white female VT
only got about 2 babys get to adult hood
hopeing this will go better
also was just wondering what colour do you think i will get from them?
sorry cant help...dont see females round am not in to breeding....someone will answer soon, very quiet tonight reckon they are all out boozing! :lol:
hey all
well last night i put the female into the tank
they swam round together for about an hour no fighting or anythink
then they were both under the nest and they rapped round eachother a couple times but there wer no eggs
then i have woke this morning to find that the male was lying in the bottom corner and the female was swimming round
ive noticed the male has been a lil ripped but female is fine
the male is to kind to hurt her so hes the one gettin beaten
i havnt seem her touch him today but his been hiding alot
should i leave them for should i pull them out?
well if they have been embracing check if there are any eggs in the bubblenest and if there are remove female or if there none take both out and condition them for another 2weeks to get them tip top condition again :D
theres no eggs so ive taken them out
so i guess il have to try again another time
yea but the male was ripped up and lyin in the bottom corner of the tank
are you saying you would have left him there?
:/ Sorry about the PK pair. Do you have any other females/males who could be more compatible?

I definitely would've done the same! It's a very bad sign if the girl has badly beaten the male. Hopefully both will recover soon.
well i only have 1 male and 1 female PK
then i have 1 male VT and 1 male CT (who i bought with really bad fins that are healing very slowly i would like to try breed him oneday) then 1 ST female

do you think the CT could breed yet?
he builds nests and gets very exited wen seeing females i dont think his fins are bothering him at all

both the females are always ready to breed always full of eggs and always barred up
i juts cant find the right male for them and they both have perfect finage

when they are healed i will tryed them again

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