Breeding Pandas?


Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
Well i am certain that atleast one of my five is female and right now they are roughly and inch or so long
I would love to try breeding them so any tips?
They are fed on catfish pellets most days, blood worm once a week and the odd pea now and then
Any help/advice appreciated :good:
Feed them more meat based foods like raw prawn, fish, squid & mussel. Bloodworms can be fed several times a week as can brineshrimp and daphnia. Try to feed them a live or frozen food each day in conjunction with a dry pellet food. Pellet food in the morning and frozen/ live food at night.

Do a big (50-75%) water change once a week using dechlorinated water with a similar PH to the tank. You can use water that is a couple of degrees cooler than the tank and this often helps get the fish going.
Make sure the tank is kept clean, regular filter maintenance and gravel cleaning. This will reduce the problems to any eggs that get laid.

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