I recently met with Scott Jonke who currently lives in Maui, Hawaii and owns Abstract Aquatics. Mr. Jonke is the first American fish collector to work with a top scientist in Dubai and Japan to achieve a successful breeding program for the Zebrasoma Flavissin. He is looking to work with biologist that might be able to share critical information on feeding of the larvae after hatching. Mr. Jonke was a diver collecting fish in Maui for twenty years before the Council in Maui decided to listen to an extreme group of grass root environmentalist who slandered and provided false information regarding his influence on the habitat. This helped push Mr. Jonke into research where he received the first Hawaiian located grant from a Dubai philanthropist to help achieve his mission. Mr. Jonke is currently setting up the worlds largest residential aquarium to sustain the larvae. I suggest contacting or visiting him if you feel you can contribute to his endeavors. I experienced the process he uses to artificially introduce sperm to egg. Getting the larvae to hatch has been successful but finding the formula to keep the larvae alive while in captivity is the missing link. Please consider helping Mr. Jonke. You can contact me at the Dubai Fish Farm in Dubai or Mr. Jonke in Maui, Hawaii. Please e mail for contact info.