Breeding Of Bristlenoses(ancistrus Sp.)


May 19, 2006
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Melbourne Australia
Just wondering if anyone could enlighten me to the approximate size for a female to be mature, and also a male to be mature. Also wondering if Albinos/Longfinned and common varities work together in breeding and behaviour. What sort of conditions are required to induce breeding?

They are pretty much mature enough to breed at about 2", one of my current breeding pairs are only about 2 1/4" each and have now produced two mixed batches of albino and normal young. Pretty much all mutations of Bristlenose (normal, albino, long-fin etc) will breed with each other, I think I did read somewhere that it thought that both the albino and long-fin genes are recessive though. As for inducing them to breed just keep them happy with good water quality and a clean tank with plenty of caves and tubes in and eventually they should get the idea, you can be waiting up to 18 months or more for a pair to bond before spawning so patience is definitely needed.
The tank mine are in has a ph around of 7 and I have found that they tend to spawn more at around 74' to 75' temperature.
What about hardness(this is a minor issue for mine as they are in cichlid tanks: very hard water for rift lakes as youd expect) The pH is a bit on the high side too :X , but you never know
May I also ask a question?(I am fully aware that I asked a question already, but just don't count it)Can bristlenose fry live peacefully with endlers and corydoras pygmeus(at least I think its spelled like that)?I noe this may sound a little rude, but I need replies fast!Thanks!!!!!
What about hardness(this is a minor issue for mine as they are in cichlid tanks: very hard water for rift lakes as youd expect) The pH is a bit on the high side too :X , but you never know

I dont think the hardness really matters that much, but I would say the softest you can manage witha ph around 7 would be fine.

May I also ask a question?(I am fully aware that I asked a question already, but just don't count it)Can bristlenose fry live peacefully with endlers and corydoras pygmeus(at least I think its spelled like that)?I noe this may sound a little rude, but I need replies fast!Thanks!!!!!

I dont see why not, they are fairly slow growing and shouldnt bother the endlers or pygmy cories.
Hardness can be a problem if its too hard... (I'd guess higher than say 12) it is believed that in really hard conditions the egg 'shells' form too hard for fry to be able to get out - It can also cause those that do get out to have 'birth defects'.

as for the fry in with corys etc - they will be fine ;)

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