Breeding Nerita Semiconic snails

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Wirral, UK
Hi, I’ve been searching the internet about breeding these but information is very limited.

Long story short, I got 2 adults 9 months ago, that have been seemingly breeding repeatedly. The tank now has around 200 snails and theres always at least 1 batch of eggs laid above the surface on the side.

It seems to very successful, but I can’t understand why. Are these a type of Nerite snail? As my understanding was they needed moving to brackish to hatch successful.

These guys are with some shrimp and rainbow fish and standard water, and seem to having a great time.


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They are likely not nerite snails; what you are describing is the breeding behavior of mystery snails (small version of apple snail) where they lay large egg sacks out of the water. They have to stay moist but can't become submersed until the baby hatch (they actually breath air and will go to the top of the aquarium to fill their shells with air periodically). Nerite snail require specific brackish water concentration to breed - i forget the details but in a plain freshwater aquarium they will lay lots of tiny eggs BELOW the water line and they will not hatch.
I don't think they are nerites... it looks like what they call Mystery snails, that do breed in freshwater, often laying their eggs just above the surface
Yes that would add up, they do indeed lay clutches of eggs just above water line, which then stay moist with the evaporated warm air.

They do also often go to water line and get air.

Mystery snails it is!
For info, nerites lay eggs which look like sesame seeds stuck to everything from the tank walls to decor and even other snails. Strictly speaking, those sesame seed like things are actually egg cases containing a number of eggs.

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