Breeding Neons


Fish Addict
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
North Wales
I am currently having a breeding spree in my community tank. Everything is either pregnant, just given birth/laid eggs or is male :lol:

My neons are happy little chaps and chappettes. I have noticed a couple of them look rather fat. Now I know very little about breeding freshwater fish but I think I am right to assume that neons are egg layers?? If so...what do there eggs look like? Where do they lay them?

I have a couple of jelly like egg masses under the leaves of one of my plants. I think they are snail eggs but am not sure.

Do neons often breed at home? Are the babies easy to look after? I assume I should treat them the same as my guppy fry.

Sorry for so many questions but I didn't expect them to breed and I would really love to raise the babies
Hi sianeds,

The jelly like egg masses is most likely snail eggs. If you don't take them out, they will be hundreds of snails you will have.

The breeding Neon can be done at home but not in the community tank. You need to set the breeding tank/container(doesn't have to be big. I done it with 1 1/2G ~2 1/2G. Probably could even do with 1G). They are so call egg scatter.
They are considered one of the challenging fish to breed. It is because, the aquarist have to do to hatch the eggs and raise the frys. And they are both small and need certain water and tiny food for them to raise the frys. And it require frequent cares.
If the fish is healthy and tank water is acceptable, they would lay(scatter eggs) even in the community tank. However, they will not survive since other fish or even the fish layer would eat those eggs. Most of them, don't even make it to the bottom. They would be catch and eat by the fish in the mid water.
Not to mentin the eggs and small frys are supposed to be light sensitive.

It is not financially rewarding since the Neons are mass produced in S.Asia and they are like $1 a piece in U.S now(it is hard to believe they were $500~1,000 a piece when they were introduced first time in hobby and that is old money so it worth more in current money). And I tied like once a month, just pull a pair(fat female and best colored male) from community tank and place them in the little container with breeding net or some marbles on the bottom so parents won't eat the eggs. I have a dozen or so free-swimming frys right now. Right after they hatch, they hatch in about day and half after they lay eggs. However, they need really soft water to hatch. Almost 0 hardness so either you need some collected rain water, RO water or distilled water. And the wigglers are so small and almost colorless and almost tough to see with your naked eyes. And another 4~5 days, they just use up their eggsack and when they become free-swimming then you need to start feeding them. But food have to be so small almost you can't infusioa, green water or some micro organism. Around that time, you see the small black pair of eyes swimming in the container. But it is a great experience and sense of accomplishment if you breed Neons. Especially when you see them transform from brownish dull fish gain little red coloring then finally the blue neon line appear after a month from hatching. That is when you see the tiniest Neon Tetra. :wub:
And if you can breed Neons, you can almost breed any other tetras maybe exception of Cardinal Tetras(I hear their requirement is more strict. I never done that since I never owned them. Not to mention, some reason I like Neons much better)

Anyway, you can always web search, just type "Breeding Neon Tetra" and you can find some good info.

If you have any question, you can catch me. I have done more done few time. But raising babies is raising babies, it require some commitment from you and time and effort and some care.
But I think it is great experience. :good:
Thankyou so much for the reply. I am not in a position to raise baby neons at the moment as my fry tank is temporarily housing some homeless green spotted puffers.

As soon as I have my fry tank back I think I may start trying to breed them.

My community tank is all just guppies, leopard danios, and neons with a sailfin pleco and lots of snails:)

It is very heavily planted and I just leave my fry to it. I don't use any breeding nets or anything. When it looks a bit crowded I take a scoop of fish/snails to the LFS I work at for a credit note :):) I don't profit from it but I love having a happy breeding tank :wub:

Hopefully the snail eggs are from my apple snails. I love apple snails :wub:
You are welcome.
They don't take much space for you to try to breed but takes lots of time and care.

I hate to burst your bubbles but I think the jelly mass of eggs are not from Apple snails. I never owned one but I hear they lay pretty big eggs and like pink color or something and if I remember correctly, they lay eggs above water or near the surface.
The jelly kind is usually from the common pond snail some call them pesky snail. Although I hear they eat hydra but they also eat tender plants. Also they multiply so fast and off springs start too small and tough to get rid of once they are in the tank.

I am pretty happy about the last Neon breeding attempt, I see at least a dozen free swimmers now. They are still in the 1 1/2 G container with air stone and heater but they will move to something bigger with some kind of filter soon. I probably get more if I properly condition the adults but I just pull out the pair from the community tank.
And I have this group of Neons which called Lutino Neons. They look almost Albino but have dark eyes. I got them like month ago and they were young and fight off the ick(thanks God for the quarantine tank). They are almost big enough to try to breed. I think I got 1 female that getting round and 5 males. I think I'll try in few weeks.
Aww shame about the snails. I also read they lay above the water line but there's no harm in hoping :lol:

Sounds like I have a ready supply of puffer food on the way then :rolleyes:

I will definately have a try at breeding the neons soon though. They are obviously happy now so hopefully it will be a case of setting up a little tank for them to lay their eggs and sorting out a way of feeding the babies.
neon tetras are light sensitive. So when you retry your attempts at breeding them you need to keep the tank in complete darkness.

When the eggs hatch have a magnifiying glass handy and shine a torch into the tank, you should then see slithers of glass.

After a week you can then start feeding with liquifry for egg scatterers, then you can feed with micro worms and brine shrimp.

After about two weeks you can slowly increase the light.

Don't forget to remove the parent neons as soon as they have finished spawning as they will eat the eggs.

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