Breeding Neons

In good clean water within reasonable parameters, well fed Neons will court and scatter eggs in a community tank. They won't survive, but in essence at least, Neons are not difficult to breed.

The usual rules about seperating the breeders, and protecting the fry apply equally to all egg scatterers and Neons are no exception.

What makes Neons, and indeed, most blackwater fish a problem, is the blackwater conditions. These fish have evolved in water that is pretty much salt free, (and I don't just mean NaCl salt, I mean salts in the widest sense). The water has almost no hardness. I have collected tetras in blackwater creeks off the Rio Negro and the pH was to low for my equipment to measure, i.e. less then 4. In a large open body of water like the Rio Negro, the volume is sufficient to stabilise it, but in a tank, it is very unstable, and can swing rapidly and extremely in pH, usually with fatal consequences.

At the same time, just a few ppm of Ca++ ions in the water will prevent Neons eggs from hatching. The Calcium reacts with the egg shell making it too tough for the fry to emerge.

Once hatched, the fry are small, but no more difficult to raise then many other egg scatterers. They can be aclimated to more stable water after a few weeks.

Black Neons or Glowlights are a lot less demanding.
Ok Here is the last time I tried to breed. The day before new year, I set up the breeding tank of about 2~2 1/2 G container. With glass marbles on the bottom and put the crump of Java/X'mas moss. And water made out of half collected rain water and the other half peat soaked top water(about week). I'm sorry I didn't bother measure the parameter. Since this was my first try with this group of Neons. And I read that first spawn is so small that they even recommend to flash down in the drain. So I didn't expect much. Anyway, I took the fattest female from my community tank and place it in the tank at evening and 1/2~1 hour later I placed most colorful male in it also. I also placed heater set about 75F but nofilter. If you want, you can place the gentle air bubbles from air pump.
And next morning, they scattered the eggs.(sometime takes 2~3 days) I personally won't go more than that. Because you don't feed them while they are in the breeding tank. Condition tank yes, breeding tank no. They usually expel eggs in the early morning and last hour or 2. You'll know when they are done, the male is not chasing female anymore. And as soon as they finished, you need to remove the parents so they will not eat eggs. And cover the tank so it will be dark. I just pick the towel and drape over the tank. The eggs are suppose to hatch in 24~36 hours(depends on the temperature etc). And the frys will attach themself to the side of the glass vertically. They will stay 4~5 days like that and consume their sack lunch. And the Neon eggs are known to be light sensitive some even say frys are also. So I don't check the tank until 5~6 days after they layed eggs. I don't take the cover either, I look the tank with flashlight at night. About week from the day they scatter the eggs, you should able to see the tiny frys swimming. Depends on the angle you shine the light from the flashlight, you see their tiny almost transparency body and 2 eyes. At this time, you need to feed the fry tiny food. Like infusia or green water. I use green water for few days and I use the vinegar eels.
Now about 10days later, I have several frys swimming. I don't know exactly how many since they are still in the unlit tank placed in the bottom shelf. I just feed little vinegar eels as many times a day(3~4). But not too much. Since there are no filter but only gentle air bubble from the air pump. And I start to take about cup of the water from the breeding tank and replace with cup of peatsoaked water. Eventually I will use their parents tank water.
Anyway, I figure I won't get more than dozen since this is the first spawn from the young breeder I just grow out. But nice to know that I got few, several frys from them. I'll try them again in few weeks. They say you can get bigger spawn as the time goes until they get too old. Of course, you need to give enough time in between to condition. Personally I don't separate sex and condition. Since I am not breeder but more of a hobbist. And I do feed them well on my community tank. Not to mention the tank space. I just pick the fattest female and most colorful male and give it a go.
This is not the best nor the only way to breed Neons. But it is the way I do. If you are serious, you should get the R.O system. And separate them in sex and condition. Just remember to have some small fry food. You need it about week after they hatch. You could use the store bought fry food but they will foul water more than live food. That is why I prefer to use the green water(micro organism) and vinegar eels.
You can always web search by typing"breeding (Neon) tetra" and there are more than enough people or web pages out there give you the instruction.
Good luck.

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