I would like to add to my shoal of 6 Neon Tetras in my 200 litre community aquarium. Now instead of buying them I thought I'd first try breeding my own in my spare 60 litre tank. As I have never bred any egg laying species before I would appreciate if somebody with any experience could explain how to go about this.
How many neons should I put in the breeding tank? Is there such a thing as a mating season(?) for these fish, i.e. Are they constantly ready to breed or will I need to condition them with the right diet and water conditions etc? And what are the ideal water conditions for the breeding tank? And how will I know when to remove the parent fish?
Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
How many neons should I put in the breeding tank? Is there such a thing as a mating season(?) for these fish, i.e. Are they constantly ready to breed or will I need to condition them with the right diet and water conditions etc? And what are the ideal water conditions for the breeding tank? And how will I know when to remove the parent fish?
Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.