Breeding Neon Tetra's?

Sasha the breen

Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2004
Reaction score
Hassocks West Sussex England
I have a shoale of neon tetras 3 femal 3 male and im wondering how to breed them, my lfs says that i wont breed them but can someone prove them wrong?!.I have read up on them breeding and that the parents need to be removed form the tank straight away after egg laying but is it possible to breed them?Also how do you get them to mate? i mean i have a community tank (2 gouramis and 6 platys) and the neon tetras.I need to know how to breeed them and raise the young
Neon tetras used to be considered impossible to breed, but it can be done. The best approach is to keep the males and females in seperate tanks and condition them well with high quality food, ideally live foods. After a couple of weeks of conditioning, select the best male and the fattest female and put them in a breeding tank in the evening, after dark. They will often spawn at first light the next morning. You'll need to remove the parents as soon as egglaying is finished otherwise they will eat the eggs.

The fry are small and will require cultured infusoria food until they are large enough to take newly hatched brine shrimp.

What makes it trickier, is that the water condtions are very specific, they will not breed in anything but the softest water, with a low pH. Water like this is difficult to make and even more difficult to keep stable as it has almost no buffering capacity.

There are a lot of fish that are easier to breed.

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