Breeding Neon Tetra?


Dec 9, 2006
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK
Has anybody ever bred neon or black neon tetra as i am going to get some black neons (already have normal neons) as i would love to see there fry?
Thanks a lot, Joemuz
The Black Neon is a lot easier then regular Neon. Both require soft water, but regular Neons are blackwater fish requiring almost zero hardness to successfully breed. Black Neons will hatch in much harder water, (still soft - but sensible). The Calcium ions in the water react with the egg shell making it to tough for the fry to break out.
The Black Neon is a lot easier then regular Neon. Both require soft water, but regular Neons are blackwater fish requiring almost zero hardness to successfully breed. Black Neons will hatch in much harder water, (still soft - but sensible). The Calcium ions in the water react with the egg shell making it to tough for the fry to break out.

So in a 180L planted aquarium, do you think 15-20 black neons could possibly breed?

The other fish in the tank are
1 featherfin catfish 6"
1 sailfin pleco 6"
1 black ghost knife fish 2"
1 dwarf plec 2"
1 kissing gourami 3"
2 honey gourami 3+2"
1 khuli loach 3"

Cheers, Jomuez
trick i heard from one of the first people in the UK ever to breed neons is getting some urine from a pregnant lady (just a teeny drop) and add it to the tank, the hormones should trigger a spawn
trick i heard from one of the first people in the UK ever to breed neons is getting some urine from a pregnant lady (just a teeny drop) and add it to the tank, the hormones should trigger a spawn

I dont think that will work very well, but it dose work with dawrf clawed frogs.

Neon's are not to difficualt to spawn in any water as long their well feed and get plenty of live foods, the females soon fatten up and encourage the males. The main problem is the eggs are photosensetive, so any light kills them. you need to blank out the tank rapped in news papgers is a easy way.
This is quite connon with a lot of tetra's and it's only the few eggs then get in to dark places that may surive other wise.

As got ht e fish u keep you have no chance to rearing any fry.

If you rearly want to breed any fish you should get a breeding tank and get your self some small live foods like micro and grindel worms and brineshrimp, befor you think of breeding.

The real skill is rearing the fry so try if u want but i assure u little will happen unless you do a little research of the fish u want to breed, as their many good idea's and feeding tips, but to many to list.
Thanks a lot everyone! I think i will leave this one as a future project.
Cheers, Jomeuz

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