Breeding My Otos


Fish Crazy
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Colchester, Essex
One of my otos has become rather large in the belly recently which leads me to think she's gravid, while my other oto is still very streamlined. I'd love to be able to breed them and document it properly since there seems to be so little on the internet regarding it. Has anyone here managed to successfully breed them? The pair are currently in a 14 gal with 2 panda corys, a male betta and some ramshorn snails. I know the odds of getting them to free swimming stage with Steve around are slim, but apparently the males guard the eggs for a day or two after the spawn so would they be ok vs a betta for that period of time? Any help would be great :good:
They must have known I was talking about them because I just found them posing perfectly for a comparison picture!

to me the oto in question just looks like a well fed oto. Round pot belly. When they are gravid you can actually see the eggs beneath the skin and to the rear of the "belly". They will be rather large (for such a small fish) and yellow-ish in color.
she might "egg up" eventually, especially if she keeps getting fed so well. Conditioning is all part of it.

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