Breeding Malaysian Trumpet Snails


Fish Addict
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
Bucks UK
Hi there,

I recently changed the substrate in my 40 gallon planted tropical community tank, and acquired some Malaysian trumpet snails from a couple of kind members on tff.

The problem is I have 2 zebra loaches that love to eat baby snails - so I've set up a small 3 gallon hexagonal tank with sand substrate.

What is the best routine for these snails? I have read that the lights should be low for a few weeks and the population will boom.

Does anyone have any tips on massively multiplying these snails?


Yeh, there's a built in filter on top with carbon and bio-balls.

After doing a little more research I have realised how easy it is to actually have too many, so hopefully they will thrive in this little tank with plenty of food and nothing to disturb them.

I've read these snails love algae and rotting plants, but will they eat fresh veg? Is there any foods I can use to boost growth?


Rotting plants may cause ammonia problems, the best foods are frozen feeder fish like lancer fish (or anything else you can buy from your local supermarket like salmon, squid, mussels, cockles etc), blanched cucumber and algae wafers and catfish pelets. Even with a hoard of MTS, they will eat food very slowly, so small quantities is best :) .
They prefer sand substrate as they like to burrow into it as well occasionally :thumbs: .

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