Breeding L144 - Updated 3 June


~ I learn something new ~ ~~~~ every day ~~~~
Mar 31, 2005
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Norfolk, UK
Happy Days :fun: About 6 weeks ago I swapped one of my L144 females a young male from with c.crystalangel (via post). I had 4 mature females and no male - despite searching high and low for ages. Until I read a thread that c.rystalangel was breeding and her dominant male was not happy with the other male in the tank.
The new male settled into my tank straight away, checking out the ladies and eyeing them up!

And a few days ago I noticed the male in residence in his clay pot, furiously fanning away. I left him in peace for a couple of days before checking out what happening in the pot - I wasn't sure if he was just fanning in anticipaton or hope, but when I checked out the pot, there was a huge cluster of bright yellow eggs!

I'm going to set up a seperate grow-out tank because they'd be gobbled up in milli seconds in the community tank - but will leave everyone in the tank until the fry are a couple of days old. Will post some pics in due time :good:
hi bloo, congratulations on your spawn. :thumbs: cant wait for pics. i would love a group

many regards sue
Thanks! I think it's well done to mom and dad - all I did was provide a cave and a happy home!

Here's a pic of one of the females (have no idea which of the 3 the "mom" is).

And a partial tank shot and of the clay cave - the L200 seems to like it as a resting spot!
Sorry no shots of inside the cave yet but will try to get some in daylight - without upsetting the male too much.
I haven't really bothered with breeding anything before (or saving any offspring from anything) because I cant be faffed with it all. But L144's aren't that commonly available in shops and in my opinion they are also really very pretty active little things. As well as awesome algea eaters. What more could one ask for?
Though I guess in a few months I'd have to start looking for homes :rolleyes:


hi bloo, she is lovely great pic. i would luv some of the wont have trouble finding new homes (can i on be on the list lol) well done to mum and dad too.
hi bloo, she is lovely great pic. i would luv some of the wont have trouble finding new homes (can i on be on the list lol) well done to mum and dad too.
Thanks :) I'll certainly post back here in a few months when they're reading for rehoming to see who's able to provide some good homes. I certainly can't keep any!

Well, they've started hatching tonight and we have a cave full of babies. Unfortunately it's totally impossible to get a photo at the moment so you guys will just have to take my word for it until I move them over to the nursery in a few days and they're out and about.
Babies! Lots of........ (or just some of) :hyper:


Congrats Bloo. Quite a few there. Hope they get good homes. If I could I'd take a few. Oh well. I'm sure they'll be taken care of. :p
Sadly my entire bunch of around 80 babies died within a day, all within the same day - about a day after I last posted. I think I must have contaminated the water - because I can't think what else caused mass death almost instantly :sad:

However, that same night I returned dad to the main tank, he wooed a new lady and by the morning had a new clutch of eggs. Not as many this time and I noticed that quite of few of them turned grey which he kicked out. Of the rest that hatched, quite a few got gobbled up as the escaped out of the cave into the main tank. I've only been able to save a handful from that batch. However, they were still in the tube while he was already tending to a 3rd bunch of eggs!!! :S :hyper:
I feel really sorry for this chap because he's hardly seen the light of day over the past few weeks - guess he just can't stop wooing the ladies!
Perhaps I'll have better luck with the 3rd batch. But at the rate he's going at, I'm not sure how I'm going to keep up!!
aww sorry for your loss. well at least you've got a horny male to make up for that :lol:
Aaaw, so sorry about that Bloo. They were too cute. I'm sure next time round you'll have better success. Great pics and gorgeous female you have there.

Sorry to hear that Bloo, but it sounds like it won't be long till another spawn is ready...

Good luck with the next spawns.

yes, bad luck with the losses but it sounds like they are happy enough.

perhaps some viagra may be in order for the boy but apart from that im sure you have it covered ;)

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