Breeding Kuhli Loach


Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
I have a nice group of 8 Panda Kuhli, they are now about 3" in length and i have noticed a few of them are quite chunky and have a green sheen which i read happens when they are carrying eggs?

is there anything i can do to encourage them to spawn, there only tankmates are 3 Male bettas
o lol i was going to say what magic do u no no1 else does lol good luck with ur breeding :)
I have six khuli loaches, have had them for more than 18 months and their only tankmate is a male betta. Three of them are fat, and I think probably female, and the other three are smaller. They have never bred, and I have heard that they very rarely breed in home aquariums. Sorry that's not much help, but good luck :good:
Suppose all i can do is carry on as normal then :lol: they get bloodworms twice a week and water changes weekly, you never know i might have more soon
I've had a good sized group of black kuhlis for the past six years, and I've never seen eggs or babies yet. I tell them every day "WANT BABIES", but they never listen. :( I think it comes down to pure luck, sadly!
From the limited available information regarding getting Khuli loaches to breed in home aquariums it does happen but rarely and most times it was not planned. That said from the information I have when they do spawn its high in the tank usually around floating weeds and the eggs are a luminous green. Possibly the best bet to breed them would be to have them in thier own tank with nothing else to predate on the eggs or interrupt their spawning attempts. Plant wise I would go for water cabbage, water hyacinth (if its available in your area...its illigal to have in Queensland) or water sprite or duck weed even salvina (another illigal plant in Queensland). I say these types of plants so that the khuli loaches have the roots of these plants to lay their eggs in, that being said I belive they may also put some eggs on the glass, again up near the surface of the water.

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