Breeding Kribensis


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2008
Reaction score
Wisconsin, United States
Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if this would be an all right idea or not. Right now I have a 55 gallon tank with 15 neons, 2 curviceps, 2 bolivian rams, 2 kribensis, and 6 khulis. The kribensis are definitely 2 females and I was wondering how horrible of an idea it would be to return one female and get a male? Here's a picture of my tank. Thanks in advance!

My 55 gallon tank
there are pros and cons... if you get a male then they are likely to breed.. this is good but could mean that your neons and ram would probably get killed by the krib protecting their fry.
I have just breed my krib and have had to remove all my fish because they were getting battered by the krib.. even a large gold sev

If you keep both females then just watch out for aggression because sometimes they can fight even though there isn't a male present in the tank. its thought they fight for dominance.

just a couple of things to think about...
I'm most worried about the aggression of breeding Kribs. I thought I might be able to get away with it though, being that the tank has a pretty good amount of plants which disrupt the visability.

Anyone else have an opinion?
IMO i think you would probably get away with it in that tank. it is well planted and big enough for your fish to stay out of the kribs way when they are breeding. i am breeding my kribs now and am expecting wriggelers tonight or tommorrow. your neons will be too quick for the kribs to catch and the kulhi loaches are too fast aswel. my kribs cant catch my kulhis. one thing i suggest you do if you do decide on breeding kribs, reasearch and make sure there are a good few caves in there for them. the cave my kribs have got eggs in now is a blue marble tresure chest haha but i also have one end of a brick in there for them which they seem to like and a plantpot.
hope this helps :good:
IMO i think you would probably get away with it in that tank. it is well planted and big enough for your fish to stay out of the kribs way when they are breeding. i am breeding my kribs now and am expecting wriggelers tonight or tommorrow. your neons will be too quick for the kribs to catch and the kulhi loaches are too fast aswel. my kribs cant catch my kulhis. one thing i suggest you do if you do decide on breeding kribs, reasearch and make sure there are a good few caves in there for them. the cave my kribs have got eggs in now is a blue marble tresure chest haha but i also have one end of a brick in there for them which they seem to like and a plantpot.
hope this helps :good:


The rams will be bullied, and possibly be killed, since they and the kribs are both bottom dwellers.
The khuhilis will be killed. No doubt about it. I've seen kribs hunt for them for days, until the Khuhili loses.
The neon's will NOT be too quick. Danio's are faster than Tetra's, and i had a Albino male and Feamle pair hunt and kill 6 danio's in 2 days. The only tetra's you could get away with are ones such as Lemon's.

So, basically, unless you want to completely empty your tank of fish, don't get a pair.
depends on the tempament of your fish like i said before my kribs cannot catch my kulies and i used to have a 30 gallon tank with neons a common plec and pair of kribensis and they couldnt catch them. that is my opinion and from my experiences

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