Breeding Hengeli's Rasboras

Ben M

Formerly pest control
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorkshire
Hi, I've noticed that a few of my female Trigonostigma hengeli are very large, and appear to be full of eggs. So I'd like to have a go at breeding them. The only tank that I could breed them in (other than the main tank), is a quite recently set up planted nano (40l), which houses a solitary otto (which will eventually be joined by more) and will soon have some red cherry shrimp. The water is around pH 7, but I could add some oak/beech leaves to soften the water. How should I go about attempting to breed them? Do they breed best in a big group, or should I select a pair and put them in by themselves? I'll feed them up on frozen/live foods when they are in the nano for a week or so before trying to spawn them. What could I do to encourage spawning?

cheers :good:

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