I thought i might not get any replies, but has anyone had success with, or have any info on breeding Harliquin Rasbora? Books arnt being very specific for me. And i havnt yet been on google.
Now rasboras will give you a definite challenge. And when you get them to breed for you, it's something to be proud of. I use the same water I breed discus in. They like soft water, and slightly on the acidic side. Also you'll need a well planted tank. Any of the broad leaf plants (cryptocorynes) will do for rasboras. Since they lay their eggs on the underside of these plants. I usually get the spawning tank set up before I introduce the breeders to it.
The water I use is from my RO unit. And is around 1.5 to 2.5 dh. Keeping a ph at around 5.8 to 6.5. The ideal temp. around 78 to 82 degrees. I start feeding the fish on live food, and start watching for the females to start filling with roe. When I notice a pair getting ready I transfer them to the breeding tank. Like a lot of cyprinidae's they will spawn early in the morning. After the pair have spawned it's advisable to remove them from the tank, as they will eat the fry.
After around 3 days the fry will be free swimming, and need to be fed on infusoria for the first week or so. Then I'll switch over to feeding them on brine shrimp nauplii. Good luck to you.
I discussed my Rasbora breeding in this thread. Well worth watching the spawning, the careful placement of the eggs is somehow more satisfying then the haphazard scattering of many of the egglayers.
Thanks guys, Will do LL! I thought id give it ago. They look like there in good shape, and i thought i saw some breeding activities a week or two ago. I dont have an RO unit, so ill dought i can get my water to those params, but ill see how it goes. Thanx