Breeding Guppies for food?

I wouldn't do it, feeder fish were discussed on here recently. I think there is no need for it but for very few fish who require live foods. Most can be fed frozen foods.

It is also illegal in the UK.
I would never do it. I'm not a fan of predator fish. My old neighbor used to have a Pacu, and he bought beef and shrimp at the grocery to feed him, which I thought was pretty neat. However, he also had snakes which he fed mice. :(

I don't think it's necessary, but many people do it.

I did it with Mollies for My Jaguar Cichlid.

It is essentially a cheap, endless supply of healthy feeder fish for your preditor, and while many people don't have the stomach for it there is certainly nothing wrong with it. It's certainly better then buying feeders from diseased LFS tanks.

But, most aquarium preditors are not piscavores, and don't have the need for a regular diet of feeders. It really depends on what preditors you keep as to whether it's advisable to do this.
I only occasionally get my fish guppies, as they are mostly predators but usually feed them shrimp from the store, shrimp pellets, bloodworms and bugs. They like a varied meal :thumbs:
It's cheap, and it's healthy if you monitor the fish well.

Even flake foods have dead animals in them, so there's nothing wrong with it. Just as long as you have nothing against it. :dunno:
thecichlidaddict said:
It is essentially a cheap, endless supply of healthy feeder fish for your preditor, and while many people don't have the stomach for it there is certainly nothing wrong with it. It's certainly better then buying feeders from diseased LFS tanks.

But, most aquarium preditors are not piscavores, and don't have the need for a regular diet of feeders. It really depends on what preditors you keep as to whether it's advisable to do this.
took the words outta my mouth :clap:
I just don't agree with feeding live animals. It is unfair on the food IMO. I would never keep a fish that required this, I also do not think that the majority of predators eat only live foods in aquaria. CFC said as much in a recent discussion, and he would know!

I know flake has fish in but IMO this is very different from putting a live animal in a small space where it has no chance, it is very un-natural and unnecessarily cruel.
in a small space where it has no chance, it is very un-natural and unnecessarily cruel.

Nothing about storing fish in glass boxes is natural. Fish don't waste time, and don't play with their food, feeders are very quickly devoured with no suffering involved.
Plus, it's better, IMHO, that the fish get food that they normally eat. Granted, they won't share a habitat with livebearers, but if fish are their main staple then you should feed them what they are used to.

As for not keeping piscivores, well that's personal preferneces. People keep piranhas, but I don't hear complaints (I'm aware they are strict carnivores).
I put on a post about this a few days back as i had only just read up on feeder fish.I just couldnt bring myself to do it .I realize there are a few certain fish who will only eat live food but most will eat frozen i believe.I cant help but feel sorry for the poor feeders who are gonna be dinner for another fish :( imagin been chased round the tank,cornerd an then eaten,poor little guys.No disrespect to you guys who use feeder fish ,i just couldnt do it myself. :sad:
Nothing wrong with it IMHO. Feeding Fish-Fish, Whats not more Natural to their Wild Habitat than that.

NOW I know I am Gonna Be Flamed for this, But..............................................................................................I used to feed Feeder Goldfish to My Cat when she was younger. Not now though, she is too Old and Has no Teeth. She had a Special Tupperware Tub. About 5 Litres with a few fish in it every so often.
Were the fish dead? i'm guessing they weren't. Nothing wrong with it, IMO, but it'd have been better if you'd have given it other types of food. :dunno:
psgill00 said:
Nothing wrong with it IMHO. Feeding Fish-Fish, Whats not more Natural to their Wild Habitat than that.

NOW I know I am Gonna Be Flamed for this, But..............................................................................................I used to feed Feeder Goldfish to My Cat when she was younger. Not now though, she is too Old and Has no Teeth. She had a Special Tupperware Tub. About 5 Litres with a few fish in it every so often.
So if your cat still had teeth would you still??
Were the fish dead or alive?
Wouldn't feed them to her now, if she had teeth.

It was just special treats for her. And It kept her from going after the fish in the Ponds. She would always check the Tub to see if Fish were in it.

It was cheaper than getting her fish from the Supermarket. £0.20p per fish.

Were the fish dead or alive?

Alive of course, She hunted them over a couple of days.

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