Breeding Glass Catfish


New Member
Dec 9, 2007
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Okay guys,

I have seen a few posts where people say glass catfish cant be bred or havent been bred successfully in an aquarium.... guess what!!!
We have about 6 little baby glass catfish in our tank right now!

we bought two large catfish from one of our local stores on friday afternoon, put them into a cycled tank with some other species. Yesterday about lunchtime we get a frantic call from our kids.." mum mum theres lots of little eyes in the tank were putting them into a quarantine tank."

lo and behold when we got home there were lots of little eyes googling at us with clear little bodies... soooo cute

by what we can figure they were birthed alive... as the mum previously called Alfred hid herself in a little shipwreck we have.

She unfortunaletly died very soon afterwards, which may be natural.. they love very finely powdered fish flakes and bloodworms squished up, we feed them 3x daily.

They hide in and underneath the little pebbles at the bottom of the tank in amongst the fronds of plants and under ornaments.

the other bigger fishies are hanging around the cage with their non-existant tongues salivating in anticipation of the yummy feed. :rolleyes:
Thats great to hear but I HIGHLY doubt they were bron alive, i.e. they are not livebearers. Most likely the eggs were laid or deposited and not eaten and a few hatched.

Again, very nice accomplishment, they are great fish.
Hmmmmm they may have been egged. but a very short gestation period.. like under 12 hours before hatching. and nope no photos yet.... i will try and get some today.... they are just sooo cute...... :drool:
i have a few questions... from your post i gather you have two glass cats? what other fish do you have in the tank with them? you say large, how large are they in inches? lastly, get those pictures asap :) theyre a must! :)
Hmmmmm they may have been egged. but a very short gestation period.. like under 12 hours before hatching. and nope no photos yet.... i will try and get some today.... they are just sooo cute...... :drool:

well they could develop inside the glass cats before they lay the eggs because under 12 hours is fast .
but not allot is known on the breeding side .
as you could be the first ever person to achive this in captivity as i dont know anyone else who as :hyper: but i may be wrong
any updates here? i would think there would be pictures or documentation by now seeing as you would be the first person to ever do this. cmon post'm up! :)
pics would be great, i have 5 of these and posted a while back as one of them got very fat, then a few days later was back to normal size.

i currently have the same thing again, one of the glass cats is huge, bigger than the last one i posted about. did you notice how big the stomache area of them were before you noticed the babys?
Woa, Thats cool!
What was the PH and tempurature in the tank??
Sry, but now I want to try!
What about the KH??

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