Native American
Fish Fanatic
Three of my ghosts are from a previous spawn. I've set up a separate 3g Eclipse, put an oversized sponge filter over the inlet, and wrapped the sponge in two layers of pantyhose (the weave looks much tighter than a 250 micron media bag).
I just took out the floss and carbon so that only the sponge will be doing the work, and the tank is stuffed full of java moss with some hair algae on it. I added a ramshorn snail and a couple juvenile malaysian trumpet snails to do a little cleanup work.
Tank bottom is bare, the mother shrimp is by herself. I can see the eyes on the neonates, she has had visible eggs since 25 Jan 2006, and has been getting twice-daily feedings of various types of flake and pellet food.
I'm going to start adding small amounts of very, very finely ground fish flake and pellet food (use the back of a spoon and a small ceramic dish, like a mortar and pestle) to get some free-floating nutrients going in the water column. This is in addition to the mother shrimp's regular feedings.
My questions:
1.) Does anybody have any experience with this, and if so, what has worked for you?
2.) Am I doing something wrong? Need to know, so I can stop and do the right thing.
3.) How long is the gestation period for these shrimp? 17 days so far, and the eggs are getting so big that they're starting to look like they'll fall off.
v/r, N-A
I just took out the floss and carbon so that only the sponge will be doing the work, and the tank is stuffed full of java moss with some hair algae on it. I added a ramshorn snail and a couple juvenile malaysian trumpet snails to do a little cleanup work.
Tank bottom is bare, the mother shrimp is by herself. I can see the eyes on the neonates, she has had visible eggs since 25 Jan 2006, and has been getting twice-daily feedings of various types of flake and pellet food.
I'm going to start adding small amounts of very, very finely ground fish flake and pellet food (use the back of a spoon and a small ceramic dish, like a mortar and pestle) to get some free-floating nutrients going in the water column. This is in addition to the mother shrimp's regular feedings.
My questions:
1.) Does anybody have any experience with this, and if so, what has worked for you?
2.) Am I doing something wrong? Need to know, so I can stop and do the right thing.
3.) How long is the gestation period for these shrimp? 17 days so far, and the eggs are getting so big that they're starting to look like they'll fall off.
v/r, N-A