Breeding Different


Fish Crazy
Feb 15, 2007
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last time i bred bettas it was a little bit different then i am doing this time....actually its alot different. i have had the male betta in a 5 gallon for about a week and just recently added the female(about 3 days ago) and his bubble nests have been kindof weak. and i dont know what to do to maybe get him more intersted. i have a tank divider in and some plants set up on the females side. he flares at her and knows shes there but he isnt really putting effort into building the nest. any suggestions?
you have to make sure the temp. is about 80 degrees Farenheit. Temperature plays a big role in getting the bettas ready. Also, i have found that feeding foods like brine shrimp get them ready. Also, if the top of the water has a big current, the nest well be more unstable. Put lots of floating plants and things on top of the water so he can build in a stable place. Thats about all i have. I hope i helped you though! :D
I read some where of one woman who had a betta that wouldn't make bubble nest. She took one of her other fish's nest and transplanted it to the tank. The betta looked at it for a second and then started to add to it! Maybe it would work for a weak nest builder to? Every one needs alittle encouragment now and then! :lol:
Did you condition them before breeding? I've reading that using bubble wrap instead of the styrofoam cup for the male to build under can work wonders sometimes for males who don't like nesting to much.
and just recently added the female(about 3 days ago)
is she floating in the tank or is she in the tank? everything i've read said to float her for a while and watch how they act, release her, let them spawn and then take her out once they were done. (that was very quickly summed up).
lol thats interesting. my other betta is in a 30 gallon and doesnt build nests. and my desk betta (red)doesnt build many either, he is older though.
I've had the same problem recently. I even put my little zoe right next to his tank, and he got all excited but still no bubble nest. He's very spoiled (more so than any of my rest) and has no reason not to build one. I added a square of styrofoam and taped it there, and he immediately began making a bubble nest. He was making them then flaring in between, and as soon as I put paper between their tanks (so they couldn't see each other), he began working more at the bubble nest. I would try the styrofoam!
ok well my betta is building abubble nest, i took my female out considering she wasnt acting the least bit intersted and replaced her with another. its only been a night with the new female and he already started on a bubble nest.

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