Breeding Corys


New Member
Dec 9, 2005
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I already had 4 corys and I just added 4 more today. Is eight a good number to encourage spawning. Does anyone have any tips on breeding these fish. Will I need to separate the fry if I do get lucky.

This is completely off subject, but it has been bothering me for some time. My internet shorthand is not really up to date. I can't figure out what IMO means.
I already had 4 corys and I just added 4 more today. Is eight a good number to encourage spawning. Does anyone have any tips on breeding these fish. Will I need to separate the fry if I do get lucky.

This is completely off subject, but it has been bothering me for some time. My internet shorthand is not really up to date. I can't figure out what IMO means.

8 cories of the same species is a great number to have for breeding purposes. Before attempting to breed them, make sure that they are mature, around an inch to an inch an a half in legnth. And you will have to separate the adults from the eggs since cories have a nasty habit of eating their eggs. here is a link that explains how to breed cories more throughly . Best of luck in your breeding attempts!

P.S. IMO=In My Opinion

Rez B)
Great info on the post above :)

What type of cories do you have? Some are easier to breed than others.
Bronze/Albino and peppered are considered two of the easiest. My bronze's didn't seem to interested in their eggs but i'd guess it depends on the fish. Another tip i'd give would be to do the cooler water change late at night. You might catch them in the act in dawn ;)

I only have two bronze cories in the tank, and they have spawn a loada times, but only managed to saved some eggs today, yeah they spawned today yay!!!!!
I have 4 Juli and 4 peppered, will they interbreed, also are the eggs easy to spot, my tank is heavily planted
I have 4 Juli and 4 peppered, will they interbreed, also are the eggs easy to spot, my tank is heavily planted

Different corydoras species will not interbreed. And the eggs can be tricky to spot in a well planted tank if they are layed on plant leaves. I like to use a plain 10 gallon aquarium with some sort of hiding place and a sponge filter for breeding my corydoras. It makes the eggs easy to see and makes a handy fry rearing aquarium, after the adults are removed.

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