Breeding Corys!

I am looking to breed my corys but wish to know how easy it is and also, how to go about it.

TIM 8)

First off you are probably going to need to get more cories, a good breeding colony can be established in a school of six cories of the same species. Your Bronze and Albino will interbreed, but I believe that chances of breeding success is more likely to occur if you get at least 4 bronze and 4 albino C. Aeneus, I have noticed that the albino and bronze often tend to form different schools. Cories are small fish and do best in schools of six, and probability tells us that you are most likely to have males and females if you have six of each species.

Here is a link to a past topic on cory breeding:

post again if this does not answer all of your questions

Rez B)

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