Breeding Corys In A 10 Gallon Tank


Aug 19, 2006
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Hingham, Massachusetts, USA
I have a new 10 gallon tank that I am going to use to grow up my swordtail fry and then possibly breed corys. Do I need to worry about the power filter, even though its intake has very small openings? What steps should I take? Tell me everything!
I have a new 10 gallon tank that I am going to use to grow up my swordtail fry and then possibly breed corys. Do I need to worry about the power filter, even though its intake has very small openings? What steps should I take? Tell me everything!

The tank should be fine for cories, excpet the power head... as the fry will get sucked into it.
I read on a post earlier that putting tights, erm not sure what they are called in the USA, sorry :blush: over the intake will help but I'd be inclined to remove the fry from the 10galln before they hatch, put them in a 3-5 gallon, let them hatch and grow and then add then to the larger tank?

The sword tail fry will probably eat the cory fry, as they are tiny :wub:

cory fry about about 1mm or smaller when first hatched, so a filter with smaller holes than that would be pretty useless.

Once they have grown you can add an air powered filter... although I did this and ended up with all the fry in the filter, playing the the floss... :sly: silly fish!

anything else I'll try to help, I just fall on my face when coming to raise the fry as I have never got any of mine to last more then 3 weeks... yet... just had a massive batch of eggs today so here goes :D
I read on a post earlier that putting tights, erm not sure what they are called in the USA, sorry blush.gif

They're called pantyhose, I know, stupid name :fun: , but yes the tight weave is good for such things.
yeah thought they were wasn't such on the spelling :blush:

thought it better to act stupid than show myself as such... oh no I just did, oh well
Hi tetraman :)

Your tank won't need the power filter since the fry are so small at first that they produce little waste. Once the adult corys have spawned and you take them out, you can use the filter, with it's beneficial bacteria, somewhere else.

What you can do for the fry is get a small air pump to first run the airstone(s) to keep the water circulating around the eggs, then switch it to a sponge filter like this one.

They are good to grow beneficial bacteria on and microscopic creatures will also grow on there which your fry will eat as snacks. There are other brands on the market, but you might have to go to an independent lfs to find them, or order them online. The important thing is that they cannot suck the fry in like other filters can.

When they get larger still, you can add a divider on the air line and run a box filter too, for both biological and mechanical filtration.

Of course, since you will then have an extra filter full of all that beneficial bacteria, you can always set up another tank. This could be the start of MTS. ;)

Do you buy those sponge filters online? I cant find a good sponge filter around here anywhere.

Hi tetraman :)

Your tank won't need the power filter since the fry are so small at first that they produce little waste. Once the adult corys have spawned and you take them out, you can use the filter, with it's beneficial bacteria, somewhere else.

What you can do for the fry is get a small air pump to first run the airstone(s) to keep the water circulating around the eggs, then switch it to a sponge filter like this one.

They are good to grow beneficial bacteria on and microscopic creatures will also grow on there which your fry will eat as snacks. There are other brands on the market, but you might have to go to an independent lfs to find them, or order them online. The important thing is that they cannot suck the fry in like other filters can.

When they get larger still, you can add a divider on the air line and run a box filter too, for both biological and mechanical filtration.

Of course, since you will then have an extra filter full of all that beneficial bacteria, you can always set up another tank. This could be the start of MTS. ;)
Do you buy those sponge filters online? I cant find a good sponge filter around here anywhere.

No, Barracuda518, I get them at an independant lfs near my home. If yours doesn't carry them, perhaps they will special order them for you.
hrm maybe thats where I went wrong I have a box filter, not a sponge filter, maybe I can buy one or make one... /me goes to get the lego... :fun:

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