Breeding Corydoras


Fish Crazy
Jan 21, 2007
Reaction score
Northamptonshire UK
I recently lowered the temperature and did a 60/70% water change to help encourage breeding (im quite a newbie but was told to do this on this forum). I wondered...

  • How long after the water change and temp lowering should i expect to wait before seeing eggs around the aquarium/breeding to occur?
  • How long after the eggs are in the aquarium does it take for them to hatch?
  • Anything else i can do to help encourage breeding?
  • Do Corydoras breed with different species of Corydora?

Also can you please identify whether this is a male or female as its very large compared to my other 6.


You don't have to lower the temperature as such, you simply do a big water change using water that is a couple of degrees cooler than the tank. Then if the fish are going to breed they will usually start within a day or two. If they haven't laid eggs after 3 or 4 days then do another water change.
The water change is a way of simulating rainfall over the Amazon. The cooler rainwater fills up the creeks and rivers and lowers the temperature a few degrees. When this happens the fish know it's time to start breeding.

The eggs take a few days to hatch depending on temperature and species.
As a general rule most corydoras will not cross breed with other species. However, if you only have one of each fish they might. Also when one species starts breeding it often encourages other species to start as well.

Make sure the fish are well fed and they are mature. Then let nature take tis course.

The fish in the pic looks like a female but it can be difficult to tell with the angles provided. The best picture for sexing a corydoras is taken from above looking down onto the back of the fish. The females are wider across the back just behind the pectoral (side) fins and males are slimmer.
That is a female bronze cory & depending on their readiness, they might start spawing immediately after the water change, but there is no rule of thumb..
Yes! Absolutely a lovely little lady Corydoras paleatus. A Peppered lady. I think the bronze comment must have been a thinko/typo. A little tired, maybe?

It is speculated that it is after the cool fresh water begins to warm back up that the lady gets in the mood. But she must be gravid in order to have eggs to fertilize. I have speculated that some species get "in the mood" when the cool water changes cool the water down and some when the water starts to warm back up. Do a cool water change of about 10% or a bit more weekly or more often.

Be sure to feed them well with a variety of high protein foods so they will be strong and healthy. Spawning is a lot of work. :hey:

Your lady will signal the lads when she is ready. The good food and fresh water will help her to get ready.

Peppered Corys do, by the way like a cooler water: they are a cool water Cory. Keep their tank at the low 70 F. and lower. If it is too warm they will not spawn as well and may get sick after. The warmer water is a stressful environment for them.
Yes, the bronze thing was done without thinking.... I,ve got a couple meself & see absolutely no resemblance, so why would I have said it.
:lol: What I figured, Ludwig. I have been known to do the same. That's why I recognized the symptoms. :p

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