I have bread the C. Metae without issue. I really wasn't trying that hard and wasn't really concerned about the results.
With these I removed the eggs and put in a two quart plastic container. I used an air stone and methylene blue to protect the eggs. After the eggs hatched I put the fry in an aged 20 gal long tank with Java moss. I only fed them baby brine shrimp. I did make a 25% water change once every other week. The moss takes up about half the capacity of the tank.
I have started breeding the C. Sterbia with success, I get about 60 eggs each time they lay eggs. I a started a new 20 gal long tank for fry. With java moss,which the Sterbia lay their eggs in. The tank has a bare bottom . I follow the same routine with the C. Sterbia as I did with the C. Metea, but I am losing more fry with the C. Sterbia than the C. Metae. Any suggestions to decrease the loses with the C. Sterbia? With a new tank are the water changes as important? Slime coat on bare bottom effecting the fish? Amount of food to be fed first couple of weeks. Over feeding and bacteria build up from decaying uneaten food. Any suggestions?
With these I removed the eggs and put in a two quart plastic container. I used an air stone and methylene blue to protect the eggs. After the eggs hatched I put the fry in an aged 20 gal long tank with Java moss. I only fed them baby brine shrimp. I did make a 25% water change once every other week. The moss takes up about half the capacity of the tank.
I have started breeding the C. Sterbia with success, I get about 60 eggs each time they lay eggs. I a started a new 20 gal long tank for fry. With java moss,which the Sterbia lay their eggs in. The tank has a bare bottom . I follow the same routine with the C. Sterbia as I did with the C. Metea, but I am losing more fry with the C. Sterbia than the C. Metae. Any suggestions to decrease the loses with the C. Sterbia? With a new tank are the water changes as important? Slime coat on bare bottom effecting the fish? Amount of food to be fed first couple of weeks. Over feeding and bacteria build up from decaying uneaten food. Any suggestions?