Breeding Corydoras Sterabi

I pretty much give my sterbais tropical flake food, sinking algea pellets, shinking shrimp pellets and defrosted bloodworms (and sometimes the freeze dried ones as well) they will also happily eat mosquito wrigglers but they don't usually hunt them down like a Siamese Fighter might, instead with Cory's its more a stumble across, hit and miss affair when it comes to live wrigglers. The bloodworms particularily seem to get them into tip top breeding condition or at least in the mood. I have found that like other cory's a drop in water temp, a decent sized water change and the added bonus of a weather front coming through all go a big way into getting these guys to spawn. I can actaully tell when rain is about to start falling just by watching when my cory's start their T positioning and egg laying. If you really want to get them to breed I would condition them up on bloodworms, and possibly even well rinsed defrosted brine shrimp (while still giving them a selection of their usual diet), while conditioning have their water still with in their comfortable range and warm, then if you have a five day weather forcast and they are saying rain ( a decent amount not just showers - in the lead up to the rain event you could even gradually start lowering their water temp, say a degree a day but don't get the water too cold)), be ready just prior to the change in weather to come through to do a partial water change and drop the temp in their tank, to around 22 degrees Cel. These guys will lay their eggs on the glass of the tank but they also seem to really like putting their eggs on the underside of large leafed water plants like some amazon swards and the like. I usually save the eggs (with the help of a razor blade to scrape the eggs off the glass) simply to remove temptation from the other sterbai and any other fish or snails in the tank.
Care of the fry is pretty much the same as other cory fry. expect they may need slightly warmer water. Clean water, with good quality food is always going to be best for them, and the fry should thrive.

Hope this helps you on your road to discovering the joys of breeding these guys.


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