Breeding Cories?


Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
Ok today I was looking at my cories (I have 3 albinos, 2 panda, and 1 peppered in a 29g with female bettas) And I noticed that my 2 full grown albinos (who are always together) are definatly male and female so I thought, wouldn't it be fun to spawn cories? Well I've never done it before. So whats involved? How would i go about setting it up and everything. Only egg layers I've ever bred are bettas and I'm sure the cories are a lot different. Any advice would be great! Thank you!
Breeding corys is fairly easy, you have to set up a tank (10 gallon is good) with a LITTLE bit of sand and a place for them to lay the eggs on, this is usally the tank glass, but a rock is still a good thing to have. The water should be slightly acidic and the water level has to be really low and the temperature should be 70-75 Fahrenheit, then put in water which is 10 degrees Fahrenheit colder than the other water (be careful not to pour this onto the glass, it could shatter) and kind of splash the water as if rain is pouring down. this emulates rain season to the corys and they will begin spawning VERY soon!

Article (I havent read it though, but it is about breeding corydoras aeneus):

A better article:

BTW:My paragraph that I typed is typical for most corydoras, i didnt write it for Bronze Corys specifically (Although it will work perfectly fine)

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