breeding compartment for cories

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Nov 15, 2004
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i think ti was inchworm that said that a breedign net is not adequate for cories. I fully trust him so i am just wondering about another compartment. I found a glass/ acrylic/plastic? compartment. Is this more suited for cory fry? Also to get them to breed will i have to rearrange my tank to suit them or can i keep it mostly normal? I am exploring this to save myself froma 60$ new fry tank. Link attached.


or this

also they have these discard a filter things. I think i can even hook one up within the compartment and have my own mini biosystem for not near the same price.
yeah. I want to use it as a hatching tank and i dont have the $$ to get anothr tank so i thought this could be a cheap alternative.

The above link talks about using small containers to hatch Cory eggs. I have used gallon juice jugs with the top cut off. There are many similar ideas. The eggs need very little water volume to be hatched. Some much more experienced breeders than I am also recommend using very little water depth in the hatching containers. I think the most important thing in the hatching process is to have some current, usually provided with an air stone.

Fishy411 said:
i think ti was inchworm that said that a breedign net is not adequate for cories. I fully trust him........
Hi Fishy411 :)

Yep, I was the one who told you that a breeding net is not suitable accommodations for breeding corys. But, you will probably be happy to learn that you will not have to spend anywhere near $60 to set up a good breeding tank where your corys can not only spawn, but where you can raise the fry. I recommend doing it this way because moving eggs or little fry around from one tank to another is sometimes risky, since they are so delicate.

Here's a link where I discuss setting up a breeding tank for them. Scroll down to near the bottom to find the specific post. If you have an electric pump and airstone, you will be well on your way. Here I can get a 10 gallon tank for around $8, and if you only have one female spawning, you can probably raise a batch in it. If you can afford a 20 gallon, so much the better. :D

I like to set it up with a little gravel from the main tank and a box filter, until they spawn. When they are ready, I remove some of the water to avoid them laying eggs near the top of the tank. That is only so that I have room to catch the parents and clean the gravel out without spilling water all over.

One thing the fry seem to benefit from is lots of fresh and clean water, so I like get them off to a good start, with a tank of their own. I've tried using a gallon container, but lost a higher proportion of them. It was a lot more work that way too.

BTW, I'm not a man, I'm a lady. ;)
My bad :*) Ok so it should be around 30$ than? Around me it is like 10$ for a 10g. 10$ for a heater and i already have airstones. I can use a disposable sponge filter I think. How long is it until they can go into the main tank because i am planning on keeping 3 of each to get my cory communities up.
Fishy411 said:
How long is it until they can go into the main tank because i am planning on keeping 3 of each to get my cory communities up.
Hi Fishy411 :)

Plan on giving them a few months to grow before you put the fry into your main tank. I've found that changing part of the water in the fry tank every day helps them grow faster than when they are in ordinary tanks, and you wouldn't want to do that in your main tank. Once they hatch you will understand why it takes them a while to grow. While they are not as tiny as some fry, they are still much smaller than livebearers.

Even though it will take time for them to grow up, it is still rewarding. There are few fish more amusing to watch than a tank of young corys. :thumbs: You will probably be able to find a lfs who will buy or take your extras in trade for other fish or supplies, and they will have to be large enough for them to sell at that time. I figure 5 or 6 months for that. :D

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