Breeding Cichlids?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Do any of you experts out there know of any tricks to get your fish to breed? I have been trying to have them spawn for a while but with no luck. :unsure:
Hehe Nice one cichlidmaster
What kinda fish ae we talking about?? I know that when I wanted to spawn one of my Mbuna speices real badly I used to do a big water change on my tank, Then I used to fill it up but i used to make sure the new water going in was a few degrees colder than what was allready int the tank, Then feed some quality live or frozen food like krill or brine shrip etc..., and in a matter of a hours maybe a day in some cases 99% of the time I had success.
But mind yuI have had some species I have gaven up on completley as I could never breed :unsure: :crazy:
Hope this helps
Our fish just had babies. Everything has to be right. THe water levels, the size, the other fish. My 29 gallon cichlids do it all the time but never get pregnent. My tank is too small for the size of my five fish. My boyfriends 30 also has five fish and five SAE he has had two pregnent fish and working on a third. Just think about if the conditions are right etc.
conditioning fish to breed is one way to get them in the mood. harem breeders need about 3 females for every male.

another trick that cm uses is to do a large water change right before a big storm. says that the atmospheric drop causes fish to mate.

lower temps will caus efish to be lethargic and not as active even mating wise.

what are you trying to get to breed? and what is the temp and parameters of the tank?
I know keeping the nitrates low with frequent water changes really gets my Africans in the mood. I think every time mine have spawned it was within 48 hours of a nice 35-40% water change.

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