Breeding Cherry Barbs


Aug 6, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Hey all,

I currently have a pair of cherry barbs (the toughest of the bunch - plus I think Spot got a couple of the smaller ones... naughty fish), and am hoping to breed them. I think it might be safe to say that they've bred in my 33 gallon, but obviously none of the fry survived.

So, I have a spare 10 gallon now that I want to set up and breed them in. I'm wondering what kind of set-up I should have in there for them? Sponge filter and a live plant (java moss)? Any other type(s) of plant, or anything else I should have in there? Would a normal aqua-clear work instead?

Also, do they need perfect (water) conditions to breed? They're doing very well in the large tank right now, but I don't know if that's enough for them to spawn. They've been getting frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms regularly, so should be pretty conditioned, I would think.

Any other tips, and hints would be greatly appreciated! This is my first time trying to breed fish - but my boyfriend has been very successful with breeding all types of fish (but surprisingly enough, not cherry barbs).

Thank you!

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