Hello all. Im new to the site, but was pretty much looking for answers to some breeding questions regarding two little cherry barbs i have. I got them almost a year and a half ago, with a few other fish including two other cherries and two Corys. All the other fish have passed except for these two, a male and female. The other day i noticed that the male was constantly chasing the female around the tank, and then they would start swimming together, pausing every so often to "shake" with each other. I'm assuming this is some sort of mating or courting between the two, but I have never watched fish breed, so im not sure. If they are actually breeding, will i be able to see the eggs? And how long will it take for them to hatch into little fry? Is there any special precautions i need to take?? I know that they tend to eat the eggs if given the chance, but if fed properly, and being the only two fish in the tank, is there any hope for survivors?? Any info or help would be greatly appreciated.