Breeding Catfish


New Member
Jan 1, 2007
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northern ireland
hello everyone i am thinking of starting to breed catfish and was wondering if anyone has any any useful tips they could pass on to me.i would be so greatful for any help,more so from those of you who are exsperianced in breeding this particular fish.

thank you
Catfish covers a lot, which particular species are you interested in?
Catfish covers a lot, which particular species are you interested in?

i have two corydoras in my tank along with 25 other different fish,the corydoras have bread in the tank but by the time i noticed it was to late the other fish had eat most of the eegs,so i would like to put them into a smaller tank that i have and try to breed them,someone told me that i was luky to have a pair that want to breed is this true.

Catfish covers a lot, which particular species are you interested in?

i have two corydoras in my tank along with 25 other different fish,the corydoras have bread in the tank but by the time i noticed it was to late the other fish had eat most of the eegs,so i would like to put them into a smaller tank that i have and try to breed them,someone told me that i was luky to have a pair that want to breed is this true.


What kind of Corydoras?

Some Corydoras are very easy to breed, but most can be difficult.
as well as letting us know what type of cory they are, it would be a good idea to get another male as the better ratio for breeding is 1f 2m. Any LFS worth its weight should be able to sex an adult cory :)
Hi William 07

I have breed Pepperd Corys which is one of the easiest to breed. I would guess these are what you have. They are metallic Grey with pepperd grey/blue colour with a white belly.

They pair off as a breeding pair and tend to stay with their partner for life. They are easy to breed the best way to get them breeding and sticking eggs to the glass is to feed them well sinking granules and bloodworms (frozen or live) and drop the tank temp by about 2 degrees C (they then think its breeding season when the rain comes and floods the rivers). The should start sticking eggs to the glass.

To remove the eggs slide the sharpe edge of a stanley razor blade tight against the glass and under the eggs sliding them up to the water surface (takes practice)

Either stick the eggs to your finger tips and place in a small breeding tank or stick to the sides (gently) fill tank about 8inchs. I also found a bare bottom tank easiest (easier to keep clean)

Use a simple Airline powered simple box filter (about £3) fill with wool and ehiem external filter substrate pro then cover the box top with a cut fish net netting and put a elastic bad around it to hold in place (stops fry getting in the filter).

Some eggs may get fungus, the healthy eggs should hatch after 4-5days after all have hatched remove the eggs

I fed mine the day after they hatched as they are still feeding on their egg sack on the first day. Use Liquifry No1 on the first and second day of feeding (only a drip or two) then start to feed them powdered fry food (a pinch) after a couple of weeks introduce broken up adult food.

After a month or two they can be transferred to the main tank (depending on your main tank setup)

I hope this helps


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