Breeding bronze cories


Aug 21, 2004
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Oak Lake
Hi, well, I was thinking about getting a 5 gallon tank, using some water out of my 33 gallon, and using an already cycled filter to cycle it, but my 4 bronze cories in, get them all nice and conditioned, and then maybe do a 30% water change each day and replace it with cooler water, would that work? Also, if it did, what would I feed the fry?
Hi Sean_Buckley

If you haven't gotten your new tank yet, I would strongly recommend getting a larger one. A 10 gallon tank will cost little or nothing more than a 5 gallon, and if you can afford a 20 gallon, that is even better too.

The reason for this is so that you can leave the fry in it until they have grown large enough to give away or sell. While the little tank is OK to get started, you will need the additional tank space as they grow, so you might as well start out with it and save yourself the trouble of moving them later.

Here's a link that has information about the way I set up a spawning tank for corys:

Once you have the tank ready, add the corys and condition them for a week or so by feeding them lots of live or frozen blackworms or tubifex worms. Then, in the afternoon or early evening, do a big water change or 50% or more using water a few degrees cooler than the tank water. Turn off the heater and allow the water to gradually cool further. The next morning turn the heater back on and allow the water to return to normal. Within the next few days you should see some eggs.

Bronze corys are easy to encourage to spawn and this is usually all you will have to do. Good luck and please let me know how this works out for you. :D
Hi Inchworm,
Thanks! I think I may just buy more, it sounds like a lot of work, and I dont think I can get my parents to go for another tank more than 5 gallons.
Hey Sean I am Scarlett.

5 Gallons is WAY to small for adult sized cories so I would go with a bigger tank or find another fish that will do the same job as the cories.

Good Luck with finding them and just incase your curious I have had 2 bronze cories for 3 years and they have not bred lol, No Good Luck for Scarlett!
Hi Scarlett,
First of all, I would just like to say I like your name, lol. My peppered cories beat my bronze cories to the breeding scene anyway, and I didn't even do anything to get them to breed. Also, maybe your cories are of the same gender?

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