Fish Addict
hello there, i am just wondering if i BN`s can breed in a high ph water 8 to 8.2? will they get used to a high ph and breed? or will i have to lower my ph?
yeah well, My tap water has a ph of 8.2 and it gets very hard to get the ph down without shocking/killing the britlenose`s.
so i am trying to breed them in a high ph water atm, any advise please?
cheers damo
mine were breeding in a ph of 9 didnt relise unitll i did my tri monthly tests
Cheers Dane
My ph is over 8 and mine bred like rabbits, never used any triggers, just a selection of caves and hidey holes.
Do keep us posted. I'm considering putting a few bn's in my 125 gallon cichlid tank. Don't know for sure if I will.....just considering it!
i have 12 L182 bristlenose 2x male and 10x females have breed twice but kicked out the eggs and the eggs died in 48 hours or i have taken them out and put them in a breeding trap with air line but they still die !!!!!!!!
i am going to add a post abt this see if anyone can help me with this !!