Myn spawned yesterday of their own accord its just one of those things i think if they going to pair up and spawn then they will do it without any real encouragement, but normally the best thing to do, is do daily water changes of 25% decreasing the water temp by 2-3 degrees maybe even 4 at times but never too low, also consider getting him a second female aswell because if one decides to mate with him then maybe the other will aswell and you could end up with a trio.
Also as stated they need lots of spaces for him to claim as his spawning territory caves, bog wood, pipes anything where he feels he is safe and cant be seen, during times of spawning you will notice him spend more time in the spawning area tending to it fanning inside it and sometimes has his head sticking out as to entice the females over, you will notice he will come out every now and then and allow the female to back into the cave he will then back in with her and keep her in, then release her for a bit then you will notice she will come back and they will play cat and mouse chasing each other around, then you will see them return to the cave and both back into the cave once again this will go on for some time it took myn most of the day before any eggs were layed.