Breeding Bristlenose Plecs


Fish Fanatic
May 20, 2005
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Hi all, i was told keeping bristlenose plecs in the dark and feeding them zucchini twice a week will most probably get your bristlenose plecs to breed.

Also, one thing im curious about is, do bristlenose breed with other fish in their tank or will they breed alot more on their own?
:lol: I almost misunderstood that.

But anyway, bristlenoses are relatively easy breeders and you certainly do not have to keep their tank dark all the time. Normal daylight / tank lighting during the day and then lights out at night will be fine.

It's good to feed them all sorts of greens (such as zucchini, cucumber etc.) a few times a week anyway - not just when you want to breed them.

And yes, species only tanks in general tend to be better to induce breeding, but bristlenoses can certainly breed in a community tank with enough caves for them to lay the eggs and hide.

Edited: my spelling is rubbish :grr:
I miss read it too - bristlenose tetra anyone :)

As bloozoo has said - they are relativly easy to breed - they dont need any special treatment - a good diet and small caves will do it ;)

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