Breeding Bristlenose Catfishes


Fish Crazy
Dec 22, 2004
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I heard that breeding bristle nose catfish is easy so I wanted to give it a try. I also heard that they can easily be bred in a community tank, if thats the case then I could breed them in one of two tanks. The first, is a 25 gallon tank with 2 small pictus catfish, 1 female betta soon to be about 3 or 4 female bettas, and 1 guppy, this tank has 1 cave in it, but I am afraid that if I bred them in there the pictus catfish would eat the eggs. The second tank is a 25 gallon, with about 5 albino cory catfish, 2 mollies, and 2 angelfish, this tank has 3 caves for the catfish to choose from if they bred. Which do you think I should try to breed them in?
id go for the second 25 gal, because like you said, the pictus would most likely eat the eggs....check out to find some articles and info about breeding bristlenoses...hope this helps

tank 2

The pictus wont eat the eggs as they wont be able to get a them - however as soon as the male lets the fry out of the cave they will get quickly picked off..

There is loads on info on breeding them on here ;)

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