Breeding Bn's


Fish Herder
Nov 27, 2006
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Hey all i have read abit ait breeding them but would like you to shed some light for me,So can you please answer the following questions please:

*Is a 2ft tank big enough for a male and femla eon there own for breeding:
*Is 2 2ft tanks ok for growouts?
*What to feed the baby bn's
*How long do they take to hatch
*Wht shoul di put in thew breeding tank

Thanks Guys,Ben :good: :good:
Hi Ben,

*Is a 2ft tank big enough for a male and femla eon there own for breeding:
Yes should be fine.

*Is 2 2ft tanks ok for growouts?
Yes but depending on how many fry you get you may want more room. 2 2ft tanks would be better so as they grow you can sort them into the fast growers and slower growers so they all get a fair go at the food.

*What to feed the baby bn's
Same as the adults. Lots of vegies (zucchini, peas, sweet potato, pumpkin), algae wafers

*How long do they take to hatch
From eggs to wigglers with yolks about 4+ days apparently it depends on the temperature I am sure mine take about 4-5 days. From wigglers to free swimmers maybe another 5+ days at about 2 weeks they should be pretty good.

*Wht shoul di put in thew breeding tank
Caves. I have now started with nice half round ceramic ones but PVC pipes have worked. Also some pieces of drift wood, both good for the adults to hand out on and rasp at and great for the babies to hide on. Substrate is your choice and comes down to how hard you want to have to work to keep the tank clean. I like substrate but man do baby BN poo.

Hope I didn't miss too much.

I've heard that BN's are quite good parents so you should be ok leaving the parents in.
I haven't seen my BN parents go after their fry at all. The food with the fry on it but not the fry. They'll be fine in the same aquarium though removing the parents does help reduce the bioload on the aquarium and makes maintanance easier.
If you wanting to keep breeding them then remove the fry and not the parents, as removing the parents may result in them never breeding again. On the same line if you want to stop them breeding for a while just take out the female and leave the male in his cave, then he will be morelikely to start breeding again once you return the female at a later date. :)

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