I was not thinking at all about breeding my BN's but after returning from a holiday to find my cousin had not been keeping up the water change regime I did a couple of large water changes. A couple of weeks later I discovered a bunch of tiny wiggling plecos. I was pretty impressed I must say. The pair were not older than one and a half. I can recommend now after losing all of the last clutch to other fish, choose the tank mates, if any, carefully (my platies found out that tiny pleco fry with yolk sacs are the best snack).
I would say it is pretty easy, I am sure the usual things are important though, clean water good quality food etc. and places to hide as this is vital to BN plecos spawning (the eggs get laid in the cave and the dad fans them and gards them till they are free swimming).
Keep researching and by the time they are ready you will be an expert.
Good luck.