Breeding Black Skirt Tetras


New Member
Aug 31, 2009
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I am trying to breed my black skirt tetra and am wondering about a few things.

How do I know if the male is ready to breed? I've attempted to breed them once but the eggs turned white and it looks like fungus. From reading it may be that the male didn't fertilize the eggs. Also when are the eggs fertilized right when there released from the female or is it done after there done spawning? I removed the male and female when they were done spawning so they would not eat the eggs.

I know the female was ready as the male and the female spawned and she released tiny clear eggs. But with these eggs how light sensitive are they? I am trying to spawn them in a comunity tank with a seperator. So just wasn't sure if I should leave the light off for a long period of time etc. I did cover the light where the eggs were so no light would get in directly.

Now should I leave the fungus like eggs in the tank so I don't disrupt what little eggs maybe fertilized? or should I attempt to take the fungus like eggs out?

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