Breeding bettas


Gettin back into it all after 4 yrs off
Nov 6, 2003
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stoke on trent, midlands, uk
i know its realy hard b ut i want to try, iv got a smallish tank (its bare bottom with just an airline going into it roughly 4-5 galsuk)

iv got 4 females and george.. they are in the same tank but i think theres too much current for george to blow his nests..

iv had a look at the sites that have been posted about them but im finding it hard to understand it. (im so dumb :fun: )

could anyone give me the step by step thing?

this conditionin thing.... they have bloodworms every other day as it is now... will they have to have them every day or can it be brine shrimp and daphina as well?

yup but cant get my head round it.... i was thinkin of puttin george back into the smaller tank (as it was his home but he wasnt doin too good in there) lettin him build his bubble nest while the female sits in there in the breeders box... then when she starts with the lines release her with him? this sound a good idea or bad?


ok so after reading all that iv decided that breeding betta fry would be kinda hard to maintain.... so im not gonna

i dont have enough hrs in the day as it is.. i work 12 hr shifts :(
oops :/
feel guilty now for possibly preventing all those wonderful bettas from entering into this world :)

Am currently trying to get mine to spawn... He's more interested in me than the female betta :crazy:
oh dont get me wrong id love to have a try at this, but at the end of the day my life is hectic enough lmao
heres what my day is like
7:30 get up quick wash brush teeth ect
8:00 start work (elderly residential/nursing home loads of heavy work)
8:00pm finish work
8:15 arive home
8:30 finish eatin tea an saying goodnight to my dauhter
then depending on what night it is its either
1) water change
2) do nvq2 corse work
3) do theory on driving
4) do infections corse work

then after that i have 5 mins to either a) go on comp or B) watch tanks

then its a bath an bed :(

so as u can see no time to watch/breed/ raise the betta fry :(
sounds like you made the right decision then to not try and breed them, it does take a bit of time and once you have the babies and get to the point where you need to seperate all the males (and some aggressive females) it requires a good amount of time cleaning each little tank and doing water changes.

this is how i did it:

(monday) put male in his own tank 2.5gal, planted (real and fake), gravel,jar lid floating on the top of the water (build bubble nest under),

(tues-friday)feed as normal (flake and bloodworms), all my fish get this,

(friday am)added female in a floating jar,

(fri pm) took female out (she had virtical stripes),

(fri-sun) keep checking, should spawn (mine were at it for 4 hours :crazy: ), remove female after spawning (she should be hiding behind the plants and not allowed near the nest),

(24-36 hours later) fry are born (they dont leave the nest unless they fall :blink: ), male moved the bubble nest and sunk the lid lol

(3-4 days later) fry were free swimming and male was removed, they eat infusior (dont know how to spell lol),

(5 days old) cleaned the gravel, added air filter, cleaned the water into jars so i could check for fry (didnt see any but there doesnt seem to be asmany fry as there used to be :dunno: ) i used the tube from the gravel vac, (tank water doesnt taste too bad),

(6 days old) i cant count the fry they keep moving :shifty: , there isnt many (only about 15), they like the back of the tank, around the filter, and between the leaves of the plants. (this is as far as i have got so far)

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