Breeding bettas


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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I want to buy a five gallon glass tank, buy a close-fitting hood. I then want to buy a sponge filter, tank divider, and the female. I know how to take it from there...

Is this ok? The tank will be bare and I'll remove the divider once the fish are ready to breed and the female once breeding is done. After a few days after hatching I'll move the male.

Is there anything wrong with my tank setup? How does a sponge filter work, and is it cheap? Should I add a bubble stone, or will they be able to breathe fine with their labyrinth organs? What should the temperature be?

That's about it
There's tons of betta breeding info on the net if you do a search.

Basic's I think you'll need to add/'ll need a heater so you can set it to the right temp

You'll also probably need a bigger tank, 5 gallons isn't much room for the fry to grow

Fry won't have a labyrinth organ in the beginning and they'll need some source of filtration, a spong will be fine for awhile, they're fairly cheap. Corner box filters are cheaper and imo better
I forgot to mention that the temperature of the tank I have in my room now 80 degrees. If the temp. stays constant, will I still have to get the heater, and if so, what would the exact temperature be, because I wouldn't be able to get it below 80...

How big of a tank for raising the betta fry? I could probably barely get enough money to get a ten gallon tank, the hood and lights, a sponge filter, and air pump and stones. I see no need for the heater because I've been told constantly that a high, constant temp. is all they need, and I can provide that.

Thanks for the info :D
Temp should be at 82 for spawning

At least a 40 gallon grow out tank, or hundreds of jam jars
I would go for jars...but like said (you'll need alot) be sure to check the pinned topic...and good luck ;)
Thanks. :D

I'm going to go for the jars, that way I'll avoid the problems that will ensue later on. I'm broke at the moment b/c I got a bunch of fish yesterday, but once I get more funds, I saw a pretty need 1 gallon tank w/ a divider for bettas that I'll use for breeding. :D

If the mating is successful, I'm going to get a bunch of jars. I'm thinking about pickle jars (washed profusely, of course), but would you think baby food jars are big enough for individual growout (for the first two weeks)?
To save a little money float the female in a glass jar. She will be fine but you won't have to buy the divider. I have done this and it works great. I did small water changes on the jar once or twice a day and everything worked great.
As for tank size the guy I know who raises them keeps them in 20 gallon tanks. Unless you do some early culling you have to remember you are going to have a minimum of 20 fish...and more like about 30-50. 10 seems a little small especially when they all are about 1/2 to 1 inch long.
I'll probably get a job before I experiment with breeding bettas. By that time I'll have more than enough for a 29 gallon or so, the only problem is going to be space. :D Still have to do some more research before then so I can be sure that they'll breed successfully.


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