

New Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Hi i have a 20 gallon long tank avaible and i would like to breed bettas.. ive bred them before about 2 times but that was about 3-4 years ago... any tips and advice would be nice as in temps.. i will get the male as soon as possible probably tomorrow.. for the 20 gallon for breeding should i use the whole tank? as in like when the spawn like thats alot of space so thats alot of room for the female to run and male cant catch.. so should i put only 1 female and 1 male in the 20 gallon long? or what should i do.. as for substates tell me what to put.. i have heaters.. filters.. the sponge filters... food.. fry food.. plants whatever u need just need help setting it up and pre paring it thanks
82 degrees is a good temp for breeding. Only one male and one female should be in the tank, fill it with only 4 inches of water with no substrate, cover the top so that the air inside the tank is nice and warm too. Feed them some live foods and stuff like that to get them in the mood...but once they start spawning you shouldn't feed them. And all you need for "decoration" is something for the female to hide behind after they are done. Tada! Its not that hard. :) All you need is patience. Be sure to let them get to know each other put themale in the big tank and put the female in a bowl or something and set that inside the tank so they can see eachother, you'll know when they're ready. ;)
hmm i was thinking my 20 gal is pretty big? yah when they have babies ill put them in.. how about i'll pick a 10 ten gallon tomorrow? and i was thinking hmm.. dats like 7 dollars.. ill get no top.. then buy a divider.. how much those cost? anyone knows?? than ill buy 2 male betters and 2 females.. sounds good? and oh yah a heater.. because the one i have is in my community tank.. anything else i need?
No need a top. If you get the kind of divider where they can't see each other then the water won't beable to flow freely either, and you'd need 2 heaters. Just do one spawn at a time.

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