breeding betta


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hi all

just wondering i hav a male an female betta an am plannin on breedin just wonderin do u HAV to condition the pair for them to breed or is it plssible for them to breed without conditionin

uhhhm, conditioning is essential. You want both fish to be healthy. More importantly you want your females eggs to be high quality and superb....they're your 'fry-to be '

how do u no wen ure fish are healthy enoth to breed?????

the male is building bubble nests all the time


ps 1 more thing do u need to hav a cup for him to build his bubble nest??
You can just tell your fish are healthy and ready when the time comes :) Your female should be healthy and round and alert. The male building bubble nests is a good sign.

The cup helps keep the air humid,the humid air helps keep his bubbles in place. Not essential....but helpful. Some people use a small piece of bubble wrap :nod:

just one more thing is it ok to condition them while there in thye same tank
but one in a floating tank????

thanx alot
I don't feed the male when he is in the spawn tank. This is the big reason for conditioning. He might go 4 days before spawning. Then he has 3 days watching the nest. He needs to be in great shape, and have good weight. The female gets conditioned to build lots of healthy eggs.
I condition the pair I wish to breed for about two weeks before I plan on spawning them. I feed them bloodworms twice a day and about two days before I spawn them I breed them three times a day. As f250fisherman said....I don't feed the pair once they are in the spawning tank.
I do sometimes feed in the spawning tank. If there's nothing going on in there for days, I'll usually feed. Immediately after doing so, they'll spawn.

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