Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Sorry if this is a stupid question , i'veonly just got into cories (not that you'd believe it with how many there are )
anyway the past few days both my Bronze male has been 'bumping' one of the females and swimming round her in circles, is he trying to get her to mate?
I've also noticed a few of my Trili's doing it.
They've just had there weekly bloodworm and tomorrow i plan on doing a cool water change in both tanks.
Is this Breeding behaviour or am i just wanting it to be too much i'd love to give rearing cories ago
anyway the past few days both my Bronze male has been 'bumping' one of the females and swimming round her in circles, is he trying to get her to mate?
I've also noticed a few of my Trili's doing it.
They've just had there weekly bloodworm and tomorrow i plan on doing a cool water change in both tanks.
Is this Breeding behaviour or am i just wanting it to be too much i'd love to give rearing cories ago